Added on September 5, 2014
Everett True
Barcelona , Everett True , Los Animalitos Del Bosque , Ramones , Song of the day , The Barracudas
The return of Everett True | 52. Los Animalitos Del Bosque
More recommendations from the promised city, Barcelona. I mean, Jesus fuck does my contact there have my number or what? This description of his kills me. I was prepared to make this a Song of the Day before I even listened to a note. LOS ANIMALITOS DEL BOSQUE: they are like Ramones or Barracudas for […]
Added on February 21, 2011
Everett True
Jeremy Gluck , Johnny And The G-Rays , Queen Street Celebration , The B-Girls , The Barracudas , Tobi Vail , Wilfully Obscure
Song of the day – 286: The ‘B’ Girls
Just an amazing girl group sound.