 Everett True

Editorial from The Legend! #4, 1985

Editorial from The Legend! #4, 1985

At the start of this year, I started a Tumblr blog and began posting recollections there – half-remembered, faceless – of events that had happened to me in the past. My friend Vincent Vanoli drew some wonderful illustrations to accompany the vignettes – being French, occasionally a word would become lost in the translation but that […]


Letters from Rosie 10 | I am perhaps the last Madonna fan on earth. That’s as may be.

Letters from Rosie 10 | I am perhaps the last Madonna fan on earth. That’s as may be.

The top two percent of indie music history is remembered and the median is just disregarded.



This was the year I became convinced that there wasn’t a secret world of great Australian music writing I simply wasn’t privy to.

 Everett True

I rarely read music criticism. I do read this.

By necessity, these posts have been truncated, abbreviated and generally fucked with. They might well make more sense when viewed within the original context. And they might not. That’s Tumblr for you. Us old ‘uns at WordPress still can’t get our heads round it. The T-shirt is taken from an Everett True saying. [Starts -> -> ->]