 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 140. Beverly

The return of Everett True | 140. Beverly

I’m feeling fuzzy this evening. The meds must rilly be kickin’ in. Fuzzy and warm and like I’d been out huggin’ with the ladies. This morning I was feeling fuzzy too. I keep havin’ this same dream about a house, an apartment – with some weird secret passage that leads over the roofs, and an empty […]

 Everett True

Not one… but TWO open letters to the music industry

Not one… but TWO open letters to the music industry

This blog entry is long overdue. After intense consultation with the other Collapse Board editors (not easy when there are so many, spread so far and wide), I was inspired to write it after reading photographer Pat Pope’s brave, discussion-provoking post on Louder Than War, An Open Letter to Garbage – which I wholeheartedly support. Think […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 139. WetDog

The return of Everett True | 139. WetDog

I found this on the Upset The Rhythm homepage. You might want to give it a listen, cousins. It might not excite you. I don’t care, really. It makes me happy, bounce to the ceiling. It makes me happy, sit on my glasses. It makes me happy, sprawled across grass. It makes me happy, search out […]

 Everett True

The launch of Tidal | three times chicken feed is still chicken feed

The launch of Tidal | three times chicken feed is still chicken feed

Who would have thought that incredibly rich pop stars are that concerned about becoming even more incredibly rich? Welcome to the beginning of a new era. Experience the difference. #TIDALforALL I wonder where they think the money is coming from. I wonder if they even realise the way they’ve marketed their campaign like some right-on charity launch […]