 Everett True

An open question to Brisbane

Do I have to suspend critical judgment if I’m dealing with anything local (or even national)?

 Everett True

quite a revealing blog entry about editorial policy at Q and NME

One of my regular correspondents on Twitter recently published this blog entry. I thought I’d reproduce it here, because I find it to be quite revealing: partway explanatory of what goes on behind the scenes at the mainstream rock press.

 Everett True

award ceremonies, pt 2

[Ed’s note: this was originally written as a response to a very long comment from a fellow calling himself Cracker Jack on the “It’s just another shitty music award. Who gives a crap?” thread. It was a well-argued, reasoned and mostly sober response. I suggest you read it first. And then read on…] … and what about […]

 Everett True

Feathers live @ Burst City, 03.09.10

There’s a mighty big industry bun-fest going on in Brisbane right now. And that’s lovely for all those taking part, I’m sure. But for those of us who still cherish the naive belief that music shouldn’t just involve Media achievements (last 12 months) – radio, reviews, on line action, database numbers etc Current team – […]

 Everett True

note on Big Sound

(This one is for the handful of folk who’ve emailed me saying, “see you at Big Sound next week”.) I haven’t been invited to either attend or participate, so I figure I’m not welcome. And I rarely go to places I’m not welcome.