Song of the day – 673: Britney Spears
Judging Britney the same way you’d judge Dylan or Elliott Smith is like taking a baseball bat to a cricket game.
Some conversations held in public around the new Lily Allen video
Like, is there really no other way of challenging sexism and racism in music videos accept by doing the EXACT SAME THING but with a knowing wink? Really?
Song of the day – 594: Songs
“I am earth and air and fire and water,” she said softly. “I come from the Dark where all things have their beginning”
How sad is this? The Washington Post gets the drop on almost every Australian publication with its summary of Australian music in 2012
How sad is this? The Washington Post gets the drop on almost every Australian publication with its summary of Australian music in 2012: It’s been an especially fruitful year for my favorite geographic micro-genre, with woozy, wobbly, strummy guitar rock emerging as a distinct sound Down Under. One reason for the largely unified aesthetic is […]
Laneway Festival @ RNA Showground, Brisbane, 28.01.12
I hate music festivals because I love music, and I mean properly love music. Real love is unhealthy, obsessive, consuming. I am outside Music’s house in defiance of a restraining order. I am frightening off Music’s new boyfriend. I am holding Music’s pets to ransom until Music agrees to return my calls.
These people are the enemy
…willing sheep whose idea of a great review is one where they got free entry AND free drinks…
An open question to Brisbane
Do I have to suspend critical judgment if I’m dealing with anything local (or even national)?
Throughout The Universe, In Perpetuity: Why I Don’t Sign Copyright-Grabbing Photo Contracts
Once there was no “three songs, no flash” rule, now it’s industry standard in all but the small, local shows. Once there were no releases. Once there were no copyright-grabbing contracts.
Song of the day – 315: Beady Eye
There’s a great song on the debut album from Liam Gallagher’s new band.