Driven to Tiers: Lee Adcock’s Best-Of-So-Far List for 2016
Above: The righteous and super-smart TEEN. Photo by Hannah Whitaker. I had a very dreary introduction here when I started writing this article. It involved despair about the US, physical and mental fatigue from my job, more despair for the UK, and similar nagging thoughts. I tried to deny the purging effect that music can […]
Song of the Day #680 – Dog Chocolate
“DOG CHOCOLATE, DOG CHOCOLATE, ISN’T FIT FOR CONSUMPTION” It’s best when new bands just slap ya in the face. Like when this rabid bloke from Dog Chocolate cries that he wants to give birth. “I know it will hurt, and I know it will bleed / but I really, really, really, really, really wanna breed”. […]