Phil Collins @ Suncorp Stadium, 19.01.2019

I know. I know, I know, I know. There’s us, Collapse Board, with all our principles and our manifestos, and there’s me, spending a warm summer Saturday night at a Phil Collins show. Curiosity gets me here, what else would it be? The best piece of work advice I was ever given was from an […]
In Photos: Phil Collins @ Suncorp Stadium, 19.01.2019

Phil Collins starts the Australian leg of his ‘Not Dead Yet’ tour with a show at Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium.
Tame Impala – Currents (Interscope)

HEY SO check out Tame Impala, huh. Check out that cover. A shiny silver sphere in a white/black void. It even looks like one of those post-prog 80s albums from Genesis or Yes, the whole “we’re modern now so we’ll have minimal geometric covers, hyuck hyuck.” Gotta hand it to ‘em for doing their homework. […]
How The Residents ruined my life (Song of the day 395)
The band’s name? Blowjob. My cool, cruel friends had told me it was because I blew down the recorder. Bastards.