SOTD #756 – Young Guv

Versese are good. Choruses sometimes, often, can be even better. But then there’s that exclusive club of very special songwriters who can do all those things but can take it to the next level and also nail a pre-chorus and a middle eight. A pre-chorus being its own part but also effortlessly elevating the verse […]
SOTD #716 – Animal Daydream

Well, here we are again. Another year, another lush EP for running through cornfields barefoot, another suggestion that Gothenburg might float on a cloud high and away from the tumultuous river of now. I’m not about to renounce any of my thoughts on how music needs to keep moving forward, that musicians need to challenge […]
Tame Impala – Currents (Interscope)

HEY SO check out Tame Impala, huh. Check out that cover. A shiny silver sphere in a white/black void. It even looks like one of those post-prog 80s albums from Genesis or Yes, the whole “we’re modern now so we’ll have minimal geometric covers, hyuck hyuck.” Gotta hand it to ‘em for doing their homework. […]
Young Guv – Ripe 4 Luv (Slumberland)

You know that kick-in-the-head moment? You know, when you hear this modern song, and it reminds you of something dear, but you can’t put your finger on it? And then you spend a morning with an old musical chum, for a breather from the newness, and when you plunge back in to the new stuff, […]