TEEN – Love Yes (Carpark)

Transformation’s a tricky business. How do you move forward without sacrificing that essential charm or genius that propelled you to the limelight in the first place? Prog rock bands like Genesis and the Moody Blues traded in their mysticism for cultural cache, and crumpled into commoners with synths. Tame Impala followed their example, and traded […]
Song of the Day #689 – Salsa Chest

In every aspect, this house was the ultimate retreat from the downtown clubs. For one, it was tucked away above the railroads in a tree-sheltered neighborhood, at the very end of its street. For another, the tiny living room (?) was bedecked in art – surreal paintings and collages; a glittery garland halo; a back […]
Song of the day – 76: Heaven 17
It’s a great song. It’s also the reason why I bought Penthouse And Pavement from Rocking Horse the other day (also it was cheap, and on exchange credit). We had ourselves a total dance party when we got home: me, Daniel, Isaac. It’s amazing how thin these early 80s records sound now – there’s no […]