Muuy Biien – Age of Uncertainty (Autumn Tone)

ACT 1 Cue to a back alley. With their cracked sidewalks that yield scuttling cockroaches at night, they do attract young punks hungry for a back story. To be sure, no one knew the five boys of Muuy Biien then; and one member, at least, was frying chicken for a chain restaurant to make ends […]
SOTD #707 – Antlered Aunt Lord

Photo by Brigette Adair Herron Antlered Auntlord. Antlord Aunt Lard, Aunt Lured Antlered. With every encounter, you faced a different creature. The first time I met some Antlords in Athens, they were a trio, and they set up right in front of us, no need for a stage – Brent with the heavy metal drum […]
Girls Rock Athens! – Live Review Of a Free Youth Concert

When you fall in love with Tunabunny, you fall in love with this notion of freedom – dontcha? And when you watch the videos, and you read that this whimsical place of light and paint is Athens, Georgia, you connect the two, and believe that some happy magic in the soil must nurture this pink […]
Mike Turner’s 2014 Mid-Year Top Ten

2014 has been a super busy year for me and I kinda stopped following as much of what was going on and the up and coming buzz bands than in years past. My top ten picks of 2014 seems to be made up of older bands making a return or bands that just were just […]
Song of the Day #690 – Cancers

Ella invited me to the show. She found me as many people do – on Facebook, via a mutual friend. (Aside – this is also how I met my current landlord when my previous landlady, a psychotic control freak, was about to kick me out. Through the same mutual friend, in fact. I owe said […]
Song of the Day #689 – Salsa Chest

In every aspect, this house was the ultimate retreat from the downtown clubs. For one, it was tucked away above the railroads in a tree-sheltered neighborhood, at the very end of its street. For another, the tiny living room (?) was bedecked in art – surreal paintings and collages; a glittery garland halo; a back […]
SOLIDARITY TIME – Word Up for Joanna Gruesome

Today, kids, we are going to stand up and applaud. So Drowned in Sound interviewed Alanna McArdle lately. It’s an innocuous, friendly chat really, with ordinary journo-to-band questions about songwriting, live performances vs. recording, “the volatile state of guitar music” (which both interviewer and interviewee agreed was a load of BS), the huge corporate sham […]
Wild Nothing – Nocturne (Captured Tracks)
If you’re in downtown Athens, Georgia and you find yourself needing to take a shit, you aren’t going to find a better place to go than the University of Georgia’s main library on north campus.
Deep Time @ Farm 255, Athens Georgia, 22.08.12
Nobody gives a fuck if you played the song right.
The B-52’s @ The Classic Center, Athens, Ga, 09.02.12
It just makes you want to smash up a mic stand. It just makes you want to dive into the drum kit. It just makes you want to scream and whoop and holler and call up the dead.