 Wallace Wylie

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Many years ago, a great schism occurred in the history of popular music. As amps got louder and concerts got bigger, new groups responded by creating a heavier kind of music that relied on sheer sonic power as opposed to the lighter sounds of early sixties pop. Rock music broke away from pop and in […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 126. LCD Soundsystem

The return of Everett True | 126. LCD Soundsystem

Being a contrarian, I switch off when other critics start forming clusters, mind-sets. I like to think I can figure it out for myself. Often, I can. It’s the American critics who wind me up most. In the U.K., most critics have some form of sense of humour, a pluralism, about what they do. Least, the ones […]

 Scott Creney

Scott Creney reacts to Chuck Klosterman’s article about tUnE-yArDs pretty much exactly the way you’d expect him to

I’m not a huge fan of Tuneyards, but I think this article is a massive pile of shit. No maybes about it.


Collapse Board Goes To The Big Day Out 2011

Why are female drummers always so happy whereas guy drummers always look in serious pain?

 Everett True

Plan B Magazine #3

John Peel dying was a big deal for many of us, especially as it was so unexpected.