 Wallace Wylie

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Many years ago, a great schism occurred in the history of popular music. As amps got louder and concerts got bigger, new groups responded by creating a heavier kind of music that relied on sheer sonic power as opposed to the lighter sounds of early sixties pop. Rock music broke away from pop and in […]


Tunabunny – Minima Moralia (HHBTM)

Wrongness is an underrated virtue. Tunabunny revel in wrongness with all the grubby enthusiasm of a puppy rolling in mud and, puppylike, they come up bouncing.

 Everett True

Everett True reacts to the news that The Stone Roses have reformed

By Everett True

 Wallace Wylie

We Don’t Have To Breed – Nirvana’s Nevermind and masculinity

Stuck with powerful sexual impulses, I convinced myself that to act on them was disrespectful and cheap.

 Everett True

The Horrors – Skying (XL)

The Horrors – Skying (XL)

‘Endless Blue’ is Chapterhouse bad. Let’s not say any more about it.

 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 17.03.11-26.03.11

My only complaint about The White Stripes was that the band weren’t composed of two Meg Whites

 Wallace Wylie

Death Rattle – The Stone Roses, Primal Scream, Oasis and the travesty of British Alternative Rock in the 90s

Large elements of the UK alternative press seemed to be waiting for the right guitar band to get behind, the right guitar band to believe in. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Stone Roses.

 Everett True

Sexism etc – female music critics wanted for Collapse Board

Imagine if the music critic in Almost Famous had been female. Any chance at all she wouldn’t have been portrayed as a groupie?