 Scott Creney

Scott Creney’s Album Roundup: Aug 2015

Scott Creney’s Album Roundup: Aug 2015

  Future music fans will look back on this era and wonder what our fucking problem was. By then all the derivative filler & trustfund-funded garbage clogging up our ears will have disappeared and only the great stuff will be left. There’s so much of it, an embarrassment of riches compared to, say, 1995, or […]

 Scott Creney

Scott Creney Looks Back At 2013

Scott Creney Looks Back At 2013

Man, what a crazy goddamned year. Not the music, the music was great.

 Scott Creney

Willis Earl Beal – Nobody Knows (XL)

Willis Earl Beal – Nobody Knows (XL)

Music to bury your parents to. Music to shake yourself to sleep to. Music to make a traffic jam seem poetic. Music to make you a better person. Music to make you the worst person you’ve ever been. Music to stalk children to. Music to save the world to.

 Scott Creney

Scott Creney’s Favorite Albums of 2012

This is what it feels like to be alive in 2012 — connected to everything and more isolated than ever.

 Everett True

Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Last year was sensational for music. This year was even more sensational.

 Everett True

22 of Everett True’s favourite songs of 2012 so far

A little early, perhaps … but there’s always so much great music around the difficulty is documenting it all, giving it a fair shake. DISCLAIMER 1 This is a random list – influenced by the heat today, and the lecture I just gave in Creative Writing, and the fact my PhD thesis continues to loom, […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 462: Willis Earl Beal

It’s soul music and it’s sorcery and it’s subtle

 Scott Creney

Willis Earl Beal – Acousmatic Sorcery (Hot Charity/XL)

There’s a righteousness at the heart of these songs, a riveting freedom that makes Contemporary Indie — cute, smug, obvious, self-obsessed, eager to please — seem hilariously and stupidly irrelevant.