 Scott Creney

30 Songs That Suggest Music In 2013 Isn’t As Bad As You Think It Is

30 Songs That Suggest Music In 2013 Isn’t As Bad As You Think It Is

The extra reading is well worth your time. I’m way more entertaining than I need to be, given the subject matter.

 Scott Creney

Yo La Tengo – Fade (Matador)

Fade pulses and hums with the rhythms of nature, sounds swell and grow, advance and recede, throughout each song. YLT may be the most nurturing band I’ve ever heard. They love and caress every note in a way that makes this album in particular sound incredibly human. It makes me want to be a better person. It makes me want to love more deeply.

 Mike Turner

2012 & the Abysmal Company You Kept

Dum Dum Girls had a massive year — the Coke Zero of the indie world. You know, same taste as the original formula but not as filling.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 300: The Clean (mini-live review)

I doubt if there’s a single person here who undervalues The Clean’s beauty, their vivid guitar storms punctuated by trebly guitar excess and bursts of down-home, deprecating humour.