 Everett True

Eleven records I wish I liked more

Liking most of these more wouldn’t half of made my life easier, at various stages. Would it have been too much of a compromise to make? Apparently so.


A 10-point guide to reviewing music festivals

Animal Collective was like if a 10-year-old made a batch of E and forced you to take it even though you wanted to take a nap instead.

 Mike Turner

2012 & the Abysmal Company You Kept

Dum Dum Girls had a massive year — the Coke Zero of the indie world. You know, same taste as the original formula but not as filling.

 Scott Creney

Rusted Root – The Movement (Shanachie)

Consider the evidence. The sound of college radio is Rusted Root.

 Scott Creney

REVIEWED IN WORDS Animal Collective – Centipede Hz (Domino)

The new Animal Collective album bores the shit out of me. It’s tedious and unimaginative. It is lazy in every conceivable sense — lyrically, melodically, sonically, creatively.

 Everett True

REVIEWED IN PICTURES Animal Collective – Centipede Hz (Domino)


 Scott Creney

The Field – Looping State Of Mind (Kompakt)

If I said I liked you better when I was stoned, how would that make you feel about yourself?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 396: Paul McCartney

It exudes such a delicious sense of freedom

 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 11.08.11 – 17.08.11

I don’t think anyone needs to worry about musicians losing their voices any time soon.

 Scott Creney

Why Everett True Is Wrong – Animal Collective

Whether you like Animal Collective’s music or not, it’s dishonest to say they’re unoriginal.