SOTD #732 – Cowtown

OK, writer. You want to excite the masses with some scrap of music? Read my lips, then. I know, my lips aren’t in front of your face, but use yr imagination for a change. 1. For starters, do NOT use the words “summer”, “summertime”, or other signifiers of such to persuade the reader to listen. […]
Ex Hex – Rips (Merge)

Oh, yes. Hell yes. These gals are talkin’ my language. Two minute tunes, beefy riffs, catchy tunes, handclaps. A local critic penned the quip “Thin Lizzy all up in yr grill” and I concur. To an extent. Can ya feel it? The heart and soul and power [pop] of rock and roll at its diamond […]
Mike Turner’s Best of 2013

2013 is finally over and I hope I never have to look back on it past this point. I can say now this has been the most dreadful of all my years knocking me down constantly as I come to terms with a divorce and try to pull myself back up and hope for motivation […]