 Everett True

Apropos of nothing, here’s a list of 20+ protest songs

Week 2 of my lectures in Creative Performer 2 at QUT. Persuasion, propaganda, attempt to change the status quo. And that’s just my teaching style.

 Everett True

Do I think Pussy Riot will provoke a new coming of Riot Grrrl? (my answer to a question from The Guardian)

Do I think Pussy Riot will provoke a new coming of Riot Grrrl? I don’t think Riot Grrrl ever went away

 Tobi Vail

Pussy Riot is extremely radical…


 Everett True

Song of the day – 493: Pussy Riot (+ a mini-rant)

Punk rock. Fuck yeah. We are all Pussy Riot.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 492: the collected Pussy Riot Brisbane mixes

Now. The collected Pussy Riot Brisbane mixes (part one, hopefully).

 Everett True

Create your own Pussy Riot protest song

PLEASE collaborate. Record your own version of the Pussy Riot song ‘Punk Prayer’ and add it in, or do whatever you like, and then shove it all up on YouTube.

 Everett True

Free Pussy Riot

“When thousands of people will read and watch this, this freedom will grow with every caring person who listens to us in this country.”

 Tobi Vail

Pussy Riot Olympia

Reprinted from Jigsaw.

 Everett True

Pussy Riot could go free Monday

Now the bastards are keeping them locked up till next year.

 Everett True

“collapse board is but a baby wombat in the works of the mighty australian street press”

collapse board is a great place to lose two hours