Plan B Magazine #19 editorial

Plan B has always looked to the future, and we see a future where men are making music on equal terms with their female counterparts.
Neil Diamond @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre, 23.03.11
“The rules of tonight are very simple. I go where the noise takes me.”
Collapse Board Goes To The Big Day Out 2011
Why are female drummers always so happy whereas guy drummers always look in serious pain?
Song of the day – 153: Grinderman
Ask, and lo, it shall be delivered! I’m a frabjocilous fool sometimes. I’ve been a-whining and a-griping that no one’s bothered to send me the new Grinderman, and there it’s been, a-sitting in my email inbox for a week now. Sitting there, slightly festering and mouldy, and angry at my complete lack of know how, […]