Song of the day – the Top 40
fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices
Top 12 Songs on Collapse Board, 2010
These are the most viewed entries in the Song Of The Day category on Collapse Board. Remember, statistics are only valid for the main page (not comments pages etc), and from the end of August when CB started.
some folk really don’t like Weezer these days
This is quite my favourite ‘news’ story on the web this morning. A disgruntled Seattle music fan has offered to collect together $10m and give it to Weezer, if only River Cuomo and the gang will do the decent thing and SHUT THE FUCK UP. “Every year, Rivers Cuomo swears that he’s changed, and that […]
Song of the day – 176: Sheezer
Linked through from a dear friend on Facebook. This is Sheezer covering a song by Rivers Cuomo, with an awful lot of enthusiasm. Sheezer are an all-female Weezer covers band from Toronto but… well, you know what I’m going to say already. I prefer them to the original. It’s in keeping with the new Song […]