Added on April 28, 2017
Athanasios Lazarou
2-D , 2017 , album review , Ben Mendelsohn , D.R.A.M , Damon Albarn , Danny Brown , De La Soul , Gorillaz , Grace Jones , Humanz , Jamie Hewlett , Jenny Beth , Kelela , Murdoc , Noodle , Popcaan , Russel , Warner Music , Athanasios Lazarou

By Athanasios Lazarou The most interesting thing about Gorillaz long awaited return isn’t the music (it’s inconsistent at best), it’s how the album is being delivered. Humanz is album that insists on both its own commercialism and its refusal of authorship. After a 7-year hiatus we not only get a 26-track album with collaborators such as […]
Added on July 10, 2014
Jodi Biddle
2014 , Album Reviews , Jodi Biddle , Mastodon , Once More 'Round The Sun , Warner Music

While Mastodon are generally considered one of the best metal bands to come out of the naughts, their newer material really shines. Once More ‘Round the Sun opens as all good metal albums should – with a chugging, stirring anthem about returning to life. I tend to consider this sort of metal, with its aggressive […]
Added on May 27, 2014
2014 , 90s Music , kimbra , Single Review , Warner Music

Justin Edwards: It seems like a good time to talk about the new Kimbra song. We were meant to be covering her supporting Janelle Monae last week but then the tour got cancelled. If you ask me it was pretty ambitious booking the Conventions Centre (c4,500 capacity) and charging something like $106 a pop. I paid […]
Added on September 11, 2013
Everett True
ABC , Amanda Palmer , BIGSOUND 2013 , Bleeding Knees Club , Buchanan , Chugg Entertainment , Clubfeet , Cub Scouts , Everett True , Groovin the Moo , Jet , Nova , Powderfinger , Rolling Stone , Sheppard , Sound Alliance , The Guardian , Thelma Plum , Triple J , Warner Music

I hope at least 34% of the people attending get laid by someone unexpected.