 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 42. Neil Young

The return of Everett True | 42. Neil Young

I’m not Neil Young. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that when I sing I don’t sound like a cranky Kermit the Frog. Also, I can’t fucking play electric guitar or manipulate feedback to save a noisy miner. But whatever. If I was Neil Young – and I so […]

 Lee Adcock

FKA Twigs – LP1 (Young Turks)

FKA Twigs – LP1 (Young Turks)

Just nod your head and give up Well, that’s not yr run-of-the-mill portrait, is it? When I first saw it, I though surely I was looking at some porcelain doll. FKA Twigs’ LP doesn’t open like a run-of-the-mill R&B album, either. The first 30 seconds of LP1 steal in like sunlight from above, a choir […]