my iTunes Top 20, week ending 17.09.10
I’m only including one track per album (aside from the omnipresent Bluebeat 45s, from which I’ve drawn three) as to do otherwise would unbalance the entire chart. This isn’t accurate by any means, and complete omits any listening that takes place (for example) at the office, on the bus, in the car, on vinyl, in […]
Song of the day – 173: Betty And The Werewolves
Initially, I’d dismissed their album Teatime Favourites as flimflam – thin, weedy-sounding, doing for female C86 what countless generations of boys have done for their male counterparts, like Talulah Gosh with all the punk removed – and I still can’t entirely get past quite how much the singer sounds like Amelia, or the drums clatter […]