Ardent Mythology: Following The Libertines

By Alexis Late A lot of well-worshipped musicians tend to have a web of mythology encompassing them. Sometimes it’s created by scandal loving press and is, not surprisingly, flawed or exaggerated; sometimes it’s unearthed by fans through intimate obsession, or woven by the artists themselves, as they make their manifestos public. The Libertines were a […]
Sky Ferreira – Night Time, My Time (Capitol)

Night Time, My Time is fantastic. A lifetime of bad ideas that turns into good ideas in the context of music. I like the new M.I.A. album. I respect the new Laurel Halo album. I’m falling in love with the new Sky Ferreira album.
20 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board | March 2013

There’s a whole hidden musical village here that you know nothing about.
A review of ‘Comedown Machine’ by The Strokes based only on the front cover
Their music is supermarket fodder, created with precisely the same love and attention to detail as a pack of frozen peas
Interpol – Turn On the Bright Lights: Tenth Anniversary Edition (Matador)
I understand why Interpol’s considered a joke today. Even back in 2002 I understood why they were a joke. Everyone wants to be Joy Division, but nobody has ever wanted to be Interpol. The tragedy is that 99 per cent of the people who laugh at Interpol have a lot more in common with Interpol than they ever will with Joy Division.
Howler – America Give Up (Rough Trade)
Don’t mistake that album title for something so outdated as a point-of-view. As far as I can tell, Howler music is pretty much content-free.
There’s no good. There’s no bad. There’s music.
You think pop music is JUST about the music? Fuck, I thought even 2-yr-olds knew that wasn’t the case.
old grudges revisited: Courtney Love
But honey, you sure ain’t no Stevie Nicks. Or even Abba. Or evenThe Distillers.
Forgot to buy Mother’s Day pressie? Never fear – we open at 10. Adele, Elbow, JoshTPearson, R’head, Iron & Wine, Low Anthem etc all in stock.