The return of Everett True | 49. Violet Swells
A little diversion away from the main frame. I hope you don’t mind. A passing fancy, an object so slight and ephemeral that if you stand at the wrong angle you might not see it at all for fear of the sunlight glancing off its sides. Yes, music has sides. On one level, it’s deeply in […]
Song of the day – 601: Heart Beach
Maybe that’s why I’m increasingly turning to Tasmania. I know what it’s like to be ignored.
Song of the day – 598: Dogtower
Sleater-Kinney with a sense of humour but no loss of girl-girl power
how to get featured on a music website, pt 4
Most everything is fractured. This is good.
Song of the day – 367: Naked (free download + essay on music criticism)
Presumably, the idea is to make yourself so boring when writing about music that your reader is forced to go and listen to the music in question as relief therapy.
AXXONN tour blog
I’m happy to terrify others grandmothers but wasn’t so sure about terrifying my own.
Song of the day – 237: Little Ugly Girls
she has quite the voice! great fucking instrumentation as well.
Edward Guglielmino’s Guide to… 30 ways to make your band underground
He’s thin, he’s skinny, he’s deeply misunderstood and he’s writing for Collapse Board! Here is the first in the series from Brisbane’s answer to the bell-bottomed, loose-limbed, devil-may-croon swagger of Dave Graney on How To Make It In The Music Business And Still Annoy The Fuck Out Of Everyone Who Matters 1. Get your band […]