 Princess Stomper

Pop vs Rock

Rock music is ‘better’ than pop music? There’s no fucking difference!

 Everett True

the 20 most searched terms on Collapse Board (November 2011)

There are a lot of people out there looking for pictures of scary clowns and Rihanna in bondage.

 Everett True

Pop music vs the ‘classic’ Australian Top 10

Pop music that shits all over the tired, tepid male rock posturing of the other nine videos from a wonderfully giddy height.

 Princess Stomper

Princess Stomper deconstructs the Art of the Pop Song

The rhythms are hugely complex in how they build up and break down. It’s these wave-like swells and drops that dictate how your body is going to move on the dancefloor. For the brainless dancefloor filler, structure is everything.