You Beauty – Illywhacka (Bedroom Suck)

As someone who broadcasts opinions (not for a living, tho), I worry when a band strikes my fancy and I can’t explain why. By all accounts, You Beauty shouldn’t charm me as they do – they’re the usual four-man rock band outfit from Sydney, albeit with slick new wave haircuts and humming basslines and banshee […]
Millions – Max Relax (Stop/Start)

By the unwritten law of lazy-ass journalism (and trust me – for a sound as lazy as this, we’ll need to respond in kind), I’m obliged to point out that Glenn Tilbrook produced this, and that his kids are part o’ Millions. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN, THOUGH? Glenn’s better known as one of the wordsmiths […]
Pop music vs the ‘classic’ Australian Top 10
Pop music that shits all over the tired, tepid male rock posturing of the other nine videos from a wonderfully giddy height.