Hey, Ho! Let’s Go! The New Girl Rock’N’Roll Underground
A real girl is sweaty and stinky and that’s cool.
Song of the day – the Top 40
fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices
Joyce Raskin’s guitar lessons for girls series: The C Chord
It’s a teen book fiction, fun coming of age, rock, skateboarding, girl empowerment, fun and at the end have a learning how to play guitar lessons.
Top 12 Songs on Collapse Board, 2010
These are the most viewed entries in the Song Of The Day category on Collapse Board. Remember, statistics are only valid for the main page (not comments pages etc), and from the end of August when CB started.
Song of the day – 223: Mindy Misty
Grunge. Done badly, it’s horrendous. (I was going to link to a Silverchair video here, but thought better of it.)
Song of the day – 207: Scarce (free downloads!)
As the sun rose, heaviness finally came over his eyes and he dropped off to sleep sitting in his bed cradling his guitar
One-minute reviews – 3: Daniel Johnston, Scarce, Soulsavers, Wavves
Well, no one’s slapped a cease-and-desist order on me yet. Indeed, quite the opposite. One fellow was kind enough to remark, “I’ll take the one-minute reviews of a man who loves music (i.e. you) over a lot of critics who love, frankly, themselves. : )” and another, “most accurate Mint Chicks review yet/ever”. I asked […]