 Caspar Jacobs

“Rock n’ Roll Soldiers”: An interview with Carlotta Cosails of Hinds

“Rock n’ Roll Soldiers”: An interview with Carlotta Cosails of Hinds

It is Wednesday morning and I am in the same country as Hinds. From Oxford I am skyping with Carlotta, who is in a non-specific hotel in Birmingham. A small room with white walls. Carlotta looks tired, but happy nonetheless, ready for the next gig in Bristol. I tell Carlotta I’ve already missed two of […]

 Ben Green

Ben Green’s Favourite Music of 2013 So Far – A Mixtape

Ben Green’s Favourite Music of 2013 So Far – A Mixtape

Ben Green’s favourite music of 2013 so far – a mixtape


The Trashies – Space Jam (Minor Bird)

Smells like spilt bourbon, guitar grease and peanuts.

 Everett True

Everett True’s 12 favourite songs of 2011 so far

Something to do with believing in the power of music

 Everett True

the mix-tape nobody wants

This mix-tape was compiled for another website, who were going to run a feature on Collapse Board. The feature didn’t run. So here I am now, with the mix-tape nobody wants.  The original idea was that to put them all up on SoundCloud, but I can’t be fussed with that, so you can find a […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – the Top 40

fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices

 Everett True

A day in music

Seems to me I most listen to music most any hour, don’t matter day, don’t matter night.

 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 08-14.02.11

Do they perform in their underwear? ARE THEY HAVING MORE FUN THAN THE OTHER 50,000 PEOPLE IN THE ROOM COMBINED? Yes, yes yes!

 Everett True

five more reasons why I’m still cooler than you

I’ve had too much coffee.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 279: Shannon And The Clams (free download)

Sure it’s a little aggressive. So is life. So what the fuck are you waiting for?