Added on March 26, 2011
Everett True
Agent Ribbons , Armedalite Rifles , Belle And Sebastian , Coolies , Cornershop , Crass , Edwin Hawkins Singers , Edwyn Collins , Fever Fever , Frankie Rose And The Outs , Hotpants Romance , It Sound , Jonathan Richman , kyü , Las Kellies , Lispector , Lykke Li , Nico's Bike , Orange Juice , Pete And The Pirates , Pigeonhed , PJ Harvey , Pris , Scarce , Shannon And The Clams , She Makes War , Sheezer , Sky Needle , Song Of The Day , Talulah Gosh , The Cheapmunks , The Dandelions , The Distractions , The Konki Duet , The Lovely Eggs , The Loves , The Nuns , The Slits , Thee Spivs , Top 40 , Tunabunny
fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices
Added on March 2, 2011
Everett True
Elli et Jacno , Fall Of Saigon , Pascal Comelade , The Konki Duet , Young Marble Giants
Damn straight it still sounds fresh. And eerily poignant, reminding me of secret trysts and forbidden flats in the early 80s…
Added on December 21, 2010
Everett True
Anna Calvi , Electrelane , femme-pop , Stereolab , The Konki Duet
Splatter paint art. Elegant yet awkward. Playful. Trance-like
Added on November 15, 2010
Everett True
Butts , Dead Reckoning , Divorce , Explode Into Colors , femme-pop , Grass Widow , Holly McNish , Karaocake , La Chatte , La Sera , Mensch , Miss The Occupier , Morgan and the Organ Donors , No Joy , Peter Parker , Rackula , Son Skull , The Barettas , The Konki Duet , The Shondes , Weird TV , Woolf
VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITES! The four entries with the most votes I’ll feature in my next Bust column.