In Photos: Teenage Fanclub + The Goon Sax @ Triffid, 08.03.2017

Teenage Fanclub return to Brisbane for a show at Triffid, with support from The Goon Sax.
Teenage Fanclub + The Goon Sax @ The Triffid, Brisbane, 08.03.2017

For all my years of Teenage Fanclub appreciation, I’d never seen them live. I’d mentioned to my partner as we were in the Uber on the way to The Triffid in Brisbane that the likely clientele would resemble myself – mid to late 30s, males, slightly overweight, probably nerdy and white (oh, so WHITE). I […]
The Friday Afternoon Playlist, 14.03.2014

It’s that time of year again, when all those editors that plaster their magazines and websites with adverts and suspiciously sounding advertorials but who can’t afford to pay their contributors, head off for a nice jolly in Austin, Texas. Either that or they get flown there courtesy of major record labels. Just to be on […]
Song of the day – 645: Bill Callahan

Bill Callahan is one of those musicians I always forget quite how much I like
Song of the day – 501: Nude Beach
They sometimes sound like the only record they grew up mainlining was that mythological good Bruce Springsteen one
Moments In Song #4 – Urge Overkill ‘Sister Havana’
“Dude! Oh my god! Urge Overkill’s here! They’re in the parking lot! They’re all out there! Come meet them!”
The Feelies vs Lou Reed
In Hornby’s view, rock critics are a pretty sheltered lot. It is, he points out, a young person’s game.
Teenage Moods – Mood Ring (25 Diamonds)
I would call it pop-punk, but then you’ll think of Green Day or some shit like that.
We Don’t Have To Breed – Nirvana’s Nevermind and masculinity
Stuck with powerful sexual impulses, I convinced myself that to act on them was disrespectful and cheap.