SOTD #704 – The Migrant

Photo by Mads Hartmann The Migrant is pretty much this one dude Bjarke Bentsen from Denmark hiding under a band name that trades in super chill vibes all around with songs that kinda stay mid tempo and float in this spot between British folk-psych and Americana while never fully latching on to one or the […]
Song of the day – 645: Bill Callahan

Bill Callahan is one of those musicians I always forget quite how much I like
Song of the day – 503: Mount Eerie
I’d like to ski through snow angels.
Song of the day – 485: Woodpecker Wooliams
I love it when musicians actually have some sort of idea about what they’re going to do.
Song of the day – 455: Cynthia Dall
No words here.
redroomdreamers – Roosters On The Rubbish (Happy/Mopy)
I got an email the other day asking if I wanted to review a new album by an Italian indie outfit called redroomdreamers. I didn’t know anything about redroomdreamers – even after I read their bio, because I don’t do Italian and some things get lost in translation – but I said yes regardless and […]
Back when I was a working critic, part two
I’m trying to avoid working here, so here’s another excerpt. Taken from 2001, I believe. FRIDAY AUGUST 17 2001 Clever, friendly and articulate, I notice I have no memory of the events that transpired more than three days hence. The sun beats down upon a town of ingrates and foreign students, each more desperate than […]