 Everett True

Fuck music critics | the new David Bowie single properly reviewed

It’s like pissing in parchment, music reviewing. So here are some pretty videos to describe the new David Bowie single instead

 Scott Creney

A.R. Kane – The Complete Singles Collection (One Little Indian)

The missing link between Robert Wyatt and Disco Inferno, A. R. Kane sounded equally at home in the club as in the bedroom, under the stars and in the studio.

 Wallace Wylie

Ignorant Fantasies | Race and Class Delusions From David Thomas

The fantasy world that David Thomas inhabits reeks of privilege and conceit. Perhaps I expected a bit more intelligence, a bit more individuality, a bit more adventurousness to his thinking. Then again, he is a white middle-class American male. We can’t expect too much.

 Wallace Wylie

English Blues – The Untold History of the Chunka-Chunka Song

It was The Supremes’ ‘Baby Love’ that really brought back that Chunka-Chunka feeling

 Laura Crapo

THE GOOD(ISH) REVIEW Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds – Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds (Sour Mash)

Does Picasso have a manager do the final brush strokes? Fuck that.

 Laura Crapo

Chad VanGaalen @ Il Motore, Montreal 23.06.11

If you’re going to tell me his songs came out of nowhere and were never influenced by other bands, we’ll have to do some kung fu


William D Drake – The Rising Of The Lights (Onomatopoeia)

There is no such thing as a casual Cardiacs fan.

 Wallace Wylie

Cass McCombs – Wit’s End (Domino)

If you like museum pieces, by all means pick this album up.

 Everett True

addenda to ‘how to get featured on a music website’

We LOVE bribes here at Collapse Board, the more straightforward (i.e. cash) the better.

 Everett True

Thought for the day (Billy Childish)

“There’s no such thing as a good song. There’s only a good performance and sound.”