Paths Diverge: Alpine, Kitchen’s Floor, Ouch My Face And Blank Realm
By Miss Tiarney Miekus Setting up Kitchen Floor’s Battle of Brisbane with Alpine’s Yuck would make for a lousy blind date. One is a party and one is a funeral, and I’m not convinced which is which. Yes, both are Australian releases (Alpine a few months ago, KF more recent), but they have little in […]
Bringing Up The Rear – Wallace’s Last Minute Best Of 2013
The worst thing about end of year polls is that they all come out in early December, which is hilarious because that means nobody got to talk about one of the best albums of the year. The Beyoncé album, called Beyoncé, was released with no fanfare, no reviews, and no warning. It then became one […]
Christopher J. Ott | The other Guv’ner
You want to get paid for music writing? You’re pretty soon going to find out that you are in a world that has nothing to do with music or writing. It’s about executing PR campaigns.
Simon Reynolds | The guv’ner
What I find disconcerting is how many young writers are very reasonable and sane in their approach
Ignorant Fantasies | Race and Class Delusions From David Thomas
The fantasy world that David Thomas inhabits reeks of privilege and conceit. Perhaps I expected a bit more intelligence, a bit more individuality, a bit more adventurousness to his thinking. Then again, he is a white middle-class American male. We can’t expect too much.
PhD research: Simon Reynolds on how taste is formed in web 2.0 environments
Web culture is driven by the impulse to differentiate oneself, so there is a lot less cultural capital to be generated from agreeing than there is from disagreeing.
Song of the day – 429: Guided By Voices
Funny how the remnants of those who fought in the indie trenches during the 90s hold up GbV as a classic band, above many.
Song of the day – 406: The Bastards Of Fate
Spelling is not at a premium. Bowels will be tickled.
Collapse Board Manifesto: In Poetry Form
Adam Ant says that there is always room at the top.