 Everett True

TGA magazine, the UK’s only print publication dedicated to women in music, launches its first issue

TGA magazine, the UK’s only print publication dedicated to women in music, launches its first issue

Historically, music magazines have been skewed from and for a male perspective. But that’s not reflective of their potential audience.

 Wallace Wylie

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The real problem that the industry is dealing with these days is the lack of cultural importance given to popular music and the fact that popular music no longer has the same unifying power as it used to.

 Wallace Wylie

Wallace Wylie’s Top Ten of 2012

2012 has been my favourite year for music in probably a decade.


22 Songs I Loved in 2012 by Lucy Cage

Sparky, desperate, rough-edged, delirium-fuelled, defiant, shouty boy pop. There’s a place for it, you know.