Song of the day – 537: Miss Li
OK. Let’s make this clear. I keep hearing snatches of Miss Li in my iTunes folder, and I keep thinking to myself I need to check her out more fully. Then, when I attempt to, she escapes me once more.
She’s elusive.
I keep thinking she must be Glass Candy or someone, although when I listen closer to her playful cabaret music it’s very apparent she isn’t. This is a fairground rollercoaster of emotion, a whirligig of sentimentality and reflected neon. I have no idea why it reminds me of Glass Candy; there isn’t even a synth, at least not to the fore. It must be something about the kittenish voice. The claws. [That’s enough feline similes – Ed] The ease with which she reaches, and then rolls around in, the high register. [Hmm, maybe you should go back to the feline metaphors – Ed] On occasion, she can be purrrfect. [No! NOOOOO! – Ed]
This is the song that grabbed my attention this time around (from Beats & Bruises, 2011). It’s still marvelous, especially in close-up:
…which, I believe, is an entirely different groove than the one I showcased Miss Li with last time around (which, I can’t deny, was grabbed at random) or even via Hannah’s recommendation, which attempted to correct my erroneously-formed first impression:
This one didn’t appeal to me so greatly, seeming very of its time. And chirpy. And don’t let anyone tell you that chirpy is good. IT IS NOT GOOD. Chirpy is a fucking disgrace. As is that bloke’s beard. That song is like Agent Ribbons minus the darkness and also most of the intrigue and colour.
The song I like is the song I first mentioned and that’s the song I’m sticking with. For today.
(That second one ain’t so bad really either though, is it?)