Collapse Board Goes To The Big Day Out 2011
Why are female drummers always so happy whereas guy drummers always look in serious pain?
Triple J Week – Friday 29 October
And so we reach the end of Triple J week, here on Collapse Board. I won’t write too much today, as I’ll be posting my observations about the combined and crunched data over the next few days. Australian acts made up just over 50% of the 104 songs played between 9am and 5:30pm today. Country Total […]
Triple J Week – Tuesday 26 October
Day 2 of Triple J week here on Collapse Board and business as usual, with not a whole lot of difference from yesterday. Once again Australian music dominates, although the percentage is slightly down from Monday’s 50%. Less songs were played today than yesterday, 108 versus 114, mainly as a result of The Doctor being […]