Why do you like Sleater-Kinney?
Methinks thou dost project too much. Because Janet Weiss is their drummer. She is good. Live she is very good. I don’t think I’ve ever heard them, so right there they’re better than most bands I’ve heard. I’ll never forget the first time I heard this song. Was just listening to The Hot Rock. I […]
The return of Everett True | 73. Sleater-Kinney
So how does Everett True feel about the news Sleater-Kinney has reformed, you may be asking yourself. 1. Everett True does not like the idea of bands – especially bands rooted in righteous fire and energy – getting back together, per se. Often, Everett True feels, the motivating factor is lack of inspiration, drive or money. […]
Wild Flag – Wild Flag (Merge)
Wild Flag isn’t really a band, it’s just four All-Stars negotiating for their spot on the plate.
Song of the day – 241: Eux Autres
In the main, I’m a sucker for a limp-wristed guitar
Back when I was a working critic, part two
I’m trying to avoid working here, so here’s another excerpt. Taken from 2001, I believe. FRIDAY AUGUST 17 2001 Clever, friendly and articulate, I notice I have no memory of the events that transpired more than three days hence. The sun beats down upon a town of ingrates and foreign students, each more desperate than […]