 Everett True

These people are the enemy

…willing sheep whose idea of a great review is one where they got free entry AND free drinks…


Andrew McMillen on interviews (Ed’s note: mandatory reading for any media student)

Treat every interview as if it’s the most important thing in the world, just for that 15 minutes or half hour or hour, even if it’s not. Boring interviews are still boring on paper.

 Andrew McMillen

An open letter to Stonefield

As I watched you play, Stonefield, I took in the crowd around me. Toward the front – up against the barrier – were groups of males in their 20s and 30s, beers in hand, cheering and leering at you. You probably noticed them.

 Everett True

some fallout from the Faster Louder article

If folk like Sophie really are seeing Faster Louder as a career path, a stepping stone to the next stage, my only question would be: a stepping stone to what? To fucking what?

 Everett True

“I have few regrets. Writing for Fasterlouder is one of them.”

I was intrigued to read the following words from QLD journalist Sophie Benjamin on her blog …

 Everett True

OMG! The Thin Kids (LOL) to support Kate Nash in Brisbane!!

OMG! That’s us! We’re The Thin Kids! And we’re supporting Kate Nash! Sweet!!!

 Everett True

more Red Bullshit. A further comment on the AMP 2010 shortlist.

Is the Australian music industry – ‘alternative’ or not – racist at its heart

 Everett True

Oh Lord. The shortlist for the AMP 2010 has just been announced.

I got the impression the AMP was supposed to cover ALL forms of music, not just indie. Isn’t Australia known for its hip-hop? Its hardcore?

 Everett True

sexism etc (excerpt from an email to the editor of Mess And Noise)

I do not think the way to solve problems is to make crap jokes about them

 Everett True

Song of the day – 241: Eux Autres

In the main, I’m a sucker for a limp-wristed guitar

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