 Everett True

The Definitive List | The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time, Part 2

The Definitive List | The 100 Greatest Songs of All Time, Part 2

Ready? Got that box of tissues ready, in case emotion or disappointment overwhelms you? Your packet of sedatives, and blunted razors?

 Scott Creney

Body/Head – Coming Apart (Matador)

Body/Head – Coming Apart (Matador)

It articulates the feeling of inescapable grief, in what it says and what it keeps silent, as well as any album I’ve ever heard in my long yearning life.

 Scott Creney

Sissy Spacek – Wastrel Projection (Handmade Birds)

Eventually someone was bound to out-scorch Melt Banana, bound to shave Harry Pussy into irrelevance, and bound to just come along and fucking liquefy your face.

 Laura Witkowski

Do Music Critics Ever Rule?

I really do think Kate Hudson is horrible.