Scott Creney’s Album Roundup: Sept 2015

I’ve been a little sleep-deprived & out of focus lately and the news is a horror show filled w/lying sociopaths and so much abundant sadness that it makes the cloying relationship troubles of a band like Chvrches sound, at best, cloistered & obtuse. If anger is an energy then I guess passivity is a type […]
Scott Creney’s Album Roundup: Aug 2015

Future music fans will look back on this era and wonder what our fucking problem was. By then all the derivative filler & trustfund-funded garbage clogging up our ears will have disappeared and only the great stuff will be left. There’s so much of it, an embarrassment of riches compared to, say, 1995, or […]
Considering Pitchfork’s 200 Best 80’s Songs

By Scott Creney Ask anyone who’s ever worked for a literary magazine, democracy is a shitty way to evaluate art. The polarizing stuff rarely makes it through. Instead you end up with a bunch of B-plus material—competent, workmanlike. Or in the case of this week’s Pitchfork Top 200 Singles of the 80’s, you end up […]
Scott Creney’s Album Roundup: July 2015

July’s always been a shitty month for music. All the good mainstream stuff comes out at the beginning of the summer and all the good indie stuff waits until the college kids come back in the fall. Or maybe I just had a shitty month? I don’t know. All albums scored on the World […]
Album Roundup: June 2015

By Scott Creney So if Robert Christgau—who pretty much invented this format—is the Dean of Rock Critics, then what does that make me? The Mujahideen of Rock Critics? The Paula Deen of Rock Critics? The Jan & Dean? Whatever. Here’s some stuff that came out in June. I’m not going to bother embedding pictures and […]
The Only Apple Music Article You Need To Read

By Scott Creney So when you first join up there’s all these goddamned floating circles and you’re supposed to pick your favorite genre of music from a bunch of categories that are so broad & vague as to be meaningless: alternative, electronic, pop, rock, oldies, etc. But you can’t see all the bubbles at once […]
Ten 90s Albums More Feminist Than Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill

By Scott Creney Look, I know the article’s probably meant to be bullshit and I’m a sucker for clicking on it in the first place (and for what it’s worth I held out a full day before curiosity got the better of me), but everything about this article stinks. And I know that in some […]
Jenny Hval – Apocalypse, girl (Sacred Bones)

By Scott Creney I know that none of this matters b/c the album came out nearly a week ago and so everyone’s already on to reading about another record by now. If I’d finished this earlier, I could have multiplied the number of Original Page Views by 10, and in music writing world this would’ve […]
Nick Marsh of Flesh For Lulu | Death & Remembrance

By Scott Creney I imagine the day the band finished working on this song they were convinced it was going to be huge. I can imagine them ordering some food, several cases of beer, maybe some champagne, maybe some celebratory white colombian powder to help the night go on forever. After a few years of […]
A year and change | The Return of Scott Creney

By Scott Creney Just so you know, I had CB’s lawyers (lawyer, singular, who are we kidding?) give this a quick readthrough to make sure I wasn’t disclosing too much information, but I figured a very, very small number of people might want an explanation before I started writing about music again—where have I been, […]