How Not To Write A Book Proposal (Rejected Unknown)

Sometimes, when your proposals for articles or books are rejected you feel down for weeks afterwards – like, fuck it, I really was the best person for that job, why the FUCK is everyone still so resentful of me and bugger it, I ain’t going to be buying anything this week either. Other times, however, […]
Where The Metaphor Fails | “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture”

By Ms Tiarney Miekus Anyone who cites this off-quoted quip has probably received a negative review. As far as one-liners go, it’s as vapid and reductive as they get. Yet this morning it greeted my Facebook feed alongside a hastily photoshopped Warholesque photo of Elvis Costello. Poor Costello in October 1983 for Musician magazine: “Writing about […]
20 Quotes from Lester Bangs that I could have said

I never read Lester Bangs much when I was younger. I think I found him too American, or something. Also, I wasn’t in tune with his taste most of the time. His taste stunk, a lot. Hoary old American rock bands wearing their hoary old beards playing their hoary old rock music. I didn’t understand […]
Why Titus Andronicus are the Most Important Band of 2012
Punk’s alive and the gates to Bangs’s Promised Land are open once again.
How to structure an album review
At least they’re not Jet or The Vines – and for that we should be grateful
n+1 Publishes an Interesting Article About Pitchfork | Collapse Board Publishes a Response
While Pitchfork may be invaluable as an archive, it is worse than useless as a forum for insight and argument
8 Things You Should Avoid Saying in Response to a Music Review You Dislike
Have you read Lester Bangs? Guess what? He was a failed musician.
Modern Day Music Criticism Sucks
Nationally-distributed music magazines have turned into paper-thin circle-jerk bullshit
Collapse Board Manifesto: In Poetry Form
Adam Ant says that there is always room at the top.
Do Music Critics Ever Rule?
I really do think Kate Hudson is horrible.