Jonathan Richman
In response to a request from a friend on Twitter, I’ve collected together some of my more recent writings about Jonathan. And from tomorrow, you can listen to an incredible early demo of ‘The Morning Of Our Lives’ over here. ——————————————————————————————————————————– (from Plan B #18, originally printed in The Stranger) I first heard Jonathan Richman […]
Song of the day – 206: Sonny & The Sunsets
I dunno. Whenever I see the words “vintage styled West Coast pop”, my heart sinks. It usually means some asshole or other getting all postmodern on the Beach Boys’ widescreen asses
Song of the day – 58: The Go-Betweens
This entry is to celebrate the fact I attended a lecture given by Mr Robert Forster yesterday at QUT to 40 first-year students. Two songs were played, ‘Born To A Family’ (from Oceans Apart) and ‘Surfing Magazines’ (from my own personal favourite The Friends Of Rachel Worth) – two acoustic guitars, plenty of introduction. The […]