So what does this tell us? That I still have a musical bone in my body? That we all reference from the familiar? That nothing is new? To my mind, it’s all about telling something true. And therein lies the spark.
12 rough jewels of integrity in a sea of overproduction and hype
Seweeeet!!! Thought stuff like this had died and gone to the pub. A rough jewel of integrity in a sea of overproduction and hype. ‘course they’ll never ‘get’ anywhere – and therein lies their beauty. Made my day. Thanks fir that. Thanks indeed.
Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Last year was sensational for music. This year was even more sensational.
Song of the day – 525: Los Cripis
Drop them an email and let ‘em know how we all want to have their first-born, and fuck pregnant penguins to the strain of Mo Tucker’s debut solo album. Or something. Communication, that’s the key.
Another day, another boring article complaining about the ‘state’ of music
As you’re taking suggestions… a dozen of new bands (well new to me anyway) of 2012