 Everett True

Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Everett True’s 64 Favourite Songs of 2012

Last year was sensational for music. This year was even more sensational.


22 of Tamsin Chapman’s favourite songs of 2012 so far

You hear people say, “music isn’t as good as it used to be”, but you don’t ever hear them say “books aren’t as good as they used to be”. That’s because to say such a thing would reveal that person as a massive tool.

 Mike Turner

22 of Mike Turner’s Favorite Songs of 2012 So Far

I mainly checked this band out due to Pitchfork not being into them.

 Everett True

22 of Everett True’s favourite songs of 2012 so far

A little early, perhaps … but there’s always so much great music around the difficulty is documenting it all, giving it a fair shake. DISCLAIMER 1 This is a random list – influenced by the heat today, and the lecture I just gave in Creative Writing, and the fact my PhD thesis continues to loom, […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 428: Woollen Kits

I like the fact no one from Australia sends me music*.



by Matt Kennedy It’s been dead quiet around here the last two months.


Royal Headache + Woollen Kits + Blank Realm + Whores + Carborator @ Annandale Hotel, 03.10.10

Over the last year R.I.P Society Records has achieved a lot for all of the bands and people involved. The Sydney label has maintained a strong sense of quality in everything it releases, from Circle Pit to Lakes to Zond, it all rules. This show celebrated a damn good year for R.I.P, it was a great day and one […]