 Everett True

In Search of Nirvana: Why Nirvana: The True Story Could Never Be ‘True’

In Search of Nirvana: Why Nirvana: The True Story Could Never Be ‘True’

In my book Nirvana: The True Story (2006), I undertake an autoethnographical approach to biography, attempting to impart an understanding of my chosen subject—the rock band Nirvana—via discussion of my own experiences. On numerous occasions, I veer off into tangential asides, frequently using extensive footnotes to explain obscure musical references. Personal anecdotes are juxtaposed with […]

 Everett True

quite a revealing blog entry about editorial policy at Q and NME

One of my regular correspondents on Twitter recently published this blog entry. I thought I’d reproduce it here, because I find it to be quite revealing: partway explanatory of what goes on behind the scenes at the mainstream rock press.

 Everett True

It’s just another shitty music award. Who gives a crap?

Folk are getting hot under the collar about the recent Jagermeister-sponsored AIR (Australian Independent Music) awards. Particularly the awarding of the “best independent album” category to Cloud Control for Bliss Release, an album distributed by Universal Music. And also particularly at the fact the host of the “independent” music awards was one of Nova 969 […]