The Definitive Best Albums and Songs of 2014, Because Lee Adcock Said So

We know – you’ve been watching the best-of lists crop up on your social media feeds with fists firmly clenched, teeth gnashing, curses rolling off your tongue. “Confound these posers!” you might cry. “Where’s Collapse Board?” Well, here we are, and here I am. (I suspect that Everett didn’t ask me for any pop songs, […]
Mike Turner’s 2014 Mid-Year Top Ten

2014 has been a super busy year for me and I kinda stopped following as much of what was going on and the up and coming buzz bands than in years past. My top ten picks of 2014 seems to be made up of older bands making a return or bands that just were just […]
2014 – A Half Year in Review (from that Collapse Board whippersnapper)

It’s almost July, kids – you know what that means? Well, over here in the US, Americans take that as a cue to load up on fireworks, booze, and propane for the 4th. But HERE, in the blogosphere of musique critique (not a real French phrase, by the by), we critic types take stock of […]
Ben Frost – A U R O R A (Bedroom Community/Mute | Create/Control)

A U R O R A aims directly, through its monolithic construction, at blinding luminescent alchemy; not with benign heavenly beauty but through decimating magnetic force. This is no pristine vision of digital music, it is a filthy, uncivilized offering of interrupted future time where emergency flares illuminate ruined nightclubs and the faith of the […]
Liars – Mess (Warp)

TAKE MY PANTS OFF SMELL MY SOCKS USE MY SOCKS EAT MY FACE OFF Okie doke, boys. Picture the scene – it’s one of those dance clubs that you’d find when you look up “nightlife” in the dictionary. The ones in the movies that epitomize the corrupt and sleazy urbanites, with flashing neon crowded dance […]