Added on July 4, 2011
Scott Creney
Argentina , Ball-Raping Dog , Dennis Bovell , ESG , Fire Records , Las Kellies , Liliput , Red Hot Chili Peppers , Scott Creney , Sham 69 , Shonen Knife , Slits
This reverence towards the irreverent, making idols out of iconoclasts, is profoundly disturbing
Added on June 2, 2011
Ari Up , Brigette Adair Herron , Childhood Sweet Tea Trauma , Merrill Garbus , Mr. Show , new yorker , Rastafarianism , Sasha Frere-Jones , Slits , Sweat Tea , Sweaty Tea , ToOnYaRRRdZZZ , tUnE-yArDs , tUnE-YaRdS - w h o k i l l , tUnE-YaRdS - w h o k i l l review , tuneyards
Everything feels forced, and dramatic simply for the sake of being dramatic. The more I listen the more her voice puts me on edge