SOTD #699: Seconds

EEEEEEEEEEE. Can I throw myself at you? Where can I buy the magazines with your lovely selves pouting on the covers, with the juicy tell-all interviews inside? How else can I devour you? Seconds / JOYA Split LP by Seconds Seconds, they call themselves. Not the unit of time, but as in the serving after […]
Pinkshinyultrablast – Everything Else Matters (Shelflife)

Hold on. Slow down a minute. Don’t rise to the stars just yet. Should place matter? Should we be amazed that something this heaven-bound launched from the wintery heart of Russia? Or should we concede that Pinkshinyultrablast sound like the sun-kissed aftermath of the Horrors after they rebuilt their strange house into a glass cathedral? […]
Laneway Festival @ RNA Showground, Brisbane, 28.01.12
I hate music festivals because I love music, and I mean properly love music. Real love is unhealthy, obsessive, consuming. I am outside Music’s house in defiance of a restraining order. I am frightening off Music’s new boyfriend. I am holding Music’s pets to ransom until Music agrees to return my calls.
Good music writing or douchebag trolling?
web 2.0 has seen a shift in perception that anything that isn’t recommendation (or polite) is trolling
16 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 20.07.11 – 26.07.11
Something to do with believing in the power of music.
15 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 13.07.11 – 19.07.11
“But this Fado music! That’s some beautiful sad bastard stuff, yes?”
An Interview with Richard Russell of XL Recordings
“Music is what I believe in, in the way that some people have religion.”