 Wallace Wylie

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The real problem that the industry is dealing with these days is the lack of cultural importance given to popular music and the fact that popular music no longer has the same unifying power as it used to.

 Scott Creney

The Fall – Re-Mit (Cherry Red)

The Fall – Re-Mit (Cherry Red)

Re-Mit isn’t a breakthrough by anyone’s standards, but it’s something. It’s another book in the bible of The Fall.


A Snore Just Like the Rest: Musical Superlatives for the Dissatisfied in 2012

The following list details the passionate musical warriors of 2012 — the glimmering hope of a less boring 2013.


THE YEAR OF RIVER COTTAGE POP – My 2012 In British Pop Music

The true sound of the UK, the true folk music of our time. Not a fuckin’ Alt-J fan among them and none of them are gonna end up running a fkn dairy-farm


Brigette Herron’s 22-track summer mixtape for 2012

Just do me a favor and don’t count.


Laneway Festival @ RNA Showground, Brisbane, 28.01.12

I hate music festivals because I love music, and I mean properly love music. Real love is unhealthy, obsessive, consuming. I am outside Music’s house in defiance of a restraining order. I am frightening off Music’s new boyfriend. I am holding Music’s pets to ransom until Music agrees to return my calls.