NME introduces the one-word music review
By Bill Forman
As noted in last Thursday’s post, veteran music rag Spin has pronounced the traditional album review dead.
In its place, Spin promised to tweet a thousand 140-character reviews over the course of the next year. The magazine’s editor calls it, “A massive undertaking, aiming to be an exhaustively definitive listener’s guide and argument-starter for virtually every album or EP or mixtape that matters in 2012”.
A couple dozen Tweets into the project, here’s a sample of how they’re doing:
LOINCLOTH/Iron Balls of Steel/8: Southern instrumentalists pack a year of tension, whiplash and deliverance into 39 ballistic minutes.—GC
Yeah, that struck me as unnecessarily long, too. Happily, England’s NME took the Spin formula one step further today, inviting readers to submit a one-word review of an Oasis remix.
As shown by the screen capture above, the early responses heavily skew toward “shite”.
Of course, given the original source material, that shouldn’t be too surprising.
Originally published in Colorado Springs Independent, 19 January 2012
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